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The originator of The Self Vows Retreat

Dr. Michelle R. Hannah

What does it mean to take the self vows?  Imagine giving yourself the greatest gift a person can give him- or herself outside the spiritual connection we have to God, which is the foundation of who we are. We spend half our lives wanting and waiting to take the traditional wedding vows with someone else, but we are unaware that we need to take the vows to self first. So many people stand before God, the minister, and congregation and commit to some of the most important vows one can take, without truly knowing the magnitude of power, honor, respect, vulnerability, and choice to love and give of ourselves to another that comes with them.

 In  order  to  truly  give  of  ourselves  to  another,  we  have  to  understand  and  give  everything about us to ourselves first. God gives us the gift of life, and it is only right that, in gratitude, we take that life and honor it, have compassion for it, and use it for its divine purpose. It’s a process to get to a place to like, fall in love with, and love yourself through pain, fear, joy, and triumphs.

I made a choice to take my self vows and it changed my life-actually it saved me from me. After feeling as if I was at the bottom of an abyss, freedom nowhere in sight and felt that my peace was being held hostage by my own fear- I committed to the self vows for the rest of my life..

It was a process but I'm free and I'm intentional about living authentically every day. In addition whenever I am feeling  less than peaceful or unbalanced , I pick up my gift The Self Vows; Seven Vows That Will Change Your Life and it ushers me into happy, healthy and hopeful.


The Self Vows

What's Your Commitment To Self?

The Self Vows is a commitment to self. These seven vows are some of the most important vows to self that you will take in your life. This is one commitment that you cannot afford not to take. If you're asking yourself why you should trust me, well I was where you are at one point in my life. Honestly from time to time I have to recommit to my self vows because life happens.

The seven vows will challenge you to delete what doesn’t serve you and accept the things that do. If you are ready to be your own cheerleader in the best of times and worst of times-you are ready to take and commit to The Self Vows.

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Dr Michelle R.



Watch Dr Michelle R. Hannah Powerful Tips On Overcoming Fear and many more spirit filled interviews.


Dr. Michelle R. Hannah Interviews & Articles

Learn about The Self Vows-Seven Vows That Will Change Your Life and many more mind blowing interviews.

The Self Vows Way

The Self Vows Retreat is the only one of its kind. If you want to spend a luxurious 4 days and 3 nights or maybe just a two day break, it will not fail to be the most transformational experience of your life.

For our 4 day & 3 night's retreat we will provide you with an luxury top notch experience. You will be treated like absolute royalty. Three nights of pampering, deep self-reflection, emotional healing, connection to intimacy with self, self- work activities/ exercises, bonding with your sister and an amazing  ceremony. You will also get the opportunity to spend personal time with Dr. Michelle as she provides solutions to challenges that have plagued you personally and professionally.


Past retreatants have expressed that the experience they had in the 1 on 1 session changed their entire perspective about their present, past, and future. The Self Vows retreat is all-inclusive except for the airfare if needed. Other than that once you pay the fee, you just show up and allow us to take it from there. You don't even need PJ's, we will handle it. While there are many surprises and gifts, the greatest gift is the authentic you.

If you are looking to just take a break, deeply self reflect, work with your own personal coach, rejuvenate, restore, and create a 30-day plan that will solve at least one area of stress in your life and will open the doors to a much-needed transformation-this is the option for you. For 2 days you will disconnect to reconnect. Enjoy some self-pampering, sisterhood, and the opportunity to clear your head & heart.​

If you are ready to divorce the fake you and marry the authentic you-choose The Self Vows retreat today!

What’s Next?

Apply for our interview process. If you are chosen, you will be invited to our private Self Vows Forum with the other attendees and begin the journey. We try our best to make sure that our retreats are 3 to 4 months away from the moment you are chosen. The forum gives you an opportunity to know the other women who will be your sisters for a lifetime. We often hear chatter that expresses that they are ready to grab their bags and come experience a little bit of transformational paradise.

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Not ready to attend the retreat, take the step to begin the process of taking The Self Vows Program.
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10 powerful questions that will empower you to make the choice to divorce the fake you and live a beautiful and free authentic life every single day.

Get in Touch

3553 Atlantic Ave Suite 1719

Long Beach Ca 90807

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